Trail Rating:

Camp Rating: |
Howdy Trail Riders;
Those of you that know me, know I have sat on a horse a time or two and driven a team to a wagon a time or two and I have camped and trailered all over this country and even Canada. I want to share my version of a review. First, I don't write reviews very often if at all. But I felt moved to do so. Ruth and I attended two AQHA rides this month, one in Indiana and one in Kentucky. Sarah Hays needs to be put on a pedestal and paraded around as our Crown Jewel. And Mammoth Cave Horse Camp went above and beyond to make everyone feel welcome. I have to be right up front. I have spent the better part of the past 20+ years making Norman Indiana my normal destination ride. We love the facility, the trails and the drive is only about 2 hours from our home. When I was younger, we visited Norman Indiana 2 or 3 times a year. Now with a few years and miles behind me, we visit once a year, twice if there is an event we want to attend. But I have to say, my days of going off camping and riding will be spent at Mammoth Cave Horse Camp. I hadn't been there but once or twice and it had been about 5 years since I was at Mammoth Cave Horse Camp. I walked through the door and I was met with a "Hello Brett! A smile and a hand shake. The owner Kevin got up out of his chair to greet me. I see why Sarah Hays chose this site for the KY-AQHA ride. You were greeted with a smile, made to feel welcome from the first second you step out of your truck. Next, the trails have been improved ten fold since our last visit. Our last visit, there were downed trees across the trails and areas washed out, mud and Skid Loaders and other equipment parked through out the forest making improvements or a mess. It was a mess at that time. But I couldn't ask for better trails, Wet Prong was clear, maybe a little rocky in places, but it kept it interesting and on your toes. When we rode Collie Ridge we met rider after rider, they all had smiles on their faces and were having a great ride. The forest was beautiful, the weather was also. The other guests and riders at the camp were all friendly. Saturday we had a longer ride than we had planned, but we made it back safe and sound. The shower house, FANTASTIC! New stainless steel shower fixtures and private individual shower and changing rooms. They were clean and the water was warm. Not once did I ever have to wait on a shower or the bath room and the camp ground was PACKED! Folks were double and triple parked on sites. I was told it was the largest AQHA ride in the world for 2014! I can't say enough about Mammoth Cave Horse Camp and their hospitality. While cleaning my stalls, a beautiful young lady and it appeared to be her daughter and grandson were driving around in a golf cart. Stopped and spoke, we had a nice chat and I found out later it was the owners wife and she was out greeting everyone and seeing if everyone was having a good time. The customer service and social aspect of our stay was that of a 5 star resort. I don't know if it's like that every time you come, but I am going to find out! Enough about how great Mammoth Cave Horse Camp is. Sarah Hays! Met her a few years ago briefly and than again at the Indiana AQHA ride this past month. She knows how to put together an agenda! Everything was first class. If I start about the food it will take two pages! The easiest way to say anything about the food, I needed nap after every meal! Man! the food was outstanding! The auction was good, I hope they raised a lot of money, because I want next years ride to be at Mammoth Cave Horse Camp. I'm not saying the Indiana AQHA ride was bad, it was not. It was two totally different environments. One venue was run like a business and the other was run like an outstanding resort with excellent customer service and hospitality second to none. And there was no institutional food served at Mammoth Cave Horse Camp, NO SIR! It was food you would be proud to serve guests at your home. I'm sure there are a lot of places across this land that could benefit from by visiting Mammoth Cave. I apologize if this sounded like commercial, it isn't.
Sarah Hays did the most outstanding job and all of her little cronies too. Sarah couldn't have done all of that without you. I only know a couple of them Marie and Kimberly, and Julie Beam you all deserve "AT-A-BOYS!" and a huge thank you. I have it on a good authority that Sarah is an excellent wedding planner too! All hale Lady Sarah.
Thank you all for a memorable weekend, I don't get away very often and I thank you for making this past weekend great!