Trail Rating:

Camp Rating:
We arrived on Oct 23 and left on the 26th and for the days we were there, the weather (although it rained the first day) was a bright and beautiful fall with the bright blue sky and yellow/orange leaves of the trees in abundance. We stayed in the upper loop site 6.... Do NOT stay at site 6 if there has been any rain at all! It was one muddy mess the whole time as it did not drain well and the water leaks at the faucet even when off.... We slipped so many times and almost fell, we lost count. It was a gooey muddy mess and hard getting in and out of the trailer without dragging mud onto the carpet. It is a nice and somewhat private camp. There are tie lines although we set up a corral, which due to the incredibly hard rock underneath the 3 inches of soil, was almost impossible, but we were able to fashion a makeshift corral that wobbled a little but we had hot wire around so none of the horses tested it... you might even want to bring your own tie lines as if we had wanted to use them, they were all taken. We had no guide or map- mistake. We left from the campground path back toward our area and this was a rough overgrown path with lots of clay that from the rain was very slippery and one of our horses slipped hard on a root and temporarioy hurt his cannon bone (he was ok but limped very hard for a bit- we started to walk him back and he recovered) once it crossed the forest road we decided to not ride the trails and just road that road for miles! and never got to the end- beautiful but sort of boring after awhile. We met another older couple coming back and they gave us some tips on where to ride. The next day we left from a different trail in the camp and crossed the forest road to another trail closer to the entrace of the camp and THAT was a beautiful ride! Because of packing and unpacking and travel time, even though we were there 4 days we only really got to ride the 2 days and really wished we had known where to ride. At first we were disappointed thinking that first trail was the only one, but after we got directed to the other trails it was quite beautiful with some streams for drinking etc.... there were several downed trees and we had to dismount to walk around them due to he terrain but it was ok... sometime in the future we will give it another try. There is water and electricity at all the sites, I would try for the lower loop next time, it is just a little nicer there. The have a toilet facility- no shower- a guys and gals and both were usable. BRING a long hose to connect to the faucet near the horses so you don't have to draaaggg those heavy water buckets to them, it is a bit of a distance and that makes it much easier. Since we were there on a Monday also, everyone cleared out on Sunday so we were alllll by ourselves overnight and the next day, which was kinda nice and kinda different as you feel very isolated. I would assume if you wanted to get away from everyone, then during the week would be empty. I will say our first attempt to stay here was rather odd. We had booked the campground on a holiday weekend (labor or memorial cannot remember) and when we got there-in the evening- we were told by the campers already there that they had the whole campground and we had made a mistake and to turn around and go down to Freds and stay there. Completely taken aback, we left (and did stay at Fred's- thank goodness he had an opening). However when I got back home, did a little research and such and it was determined we WERE right and the woman on the phone said that those folks must have been squaters and we should have called the ranger or police etc.... (no phone service there! so that wouldn't work) and out in the dark by yourself, with a group of people you do not know, I don't think you are gonna make a fuss. They actually refunded our money although now it says on their site no matter what they will not make a refund. So, print out your reservation page and details and have them handy just in case. This time, we had no problem. |