Trail Rating:

Camp Rating:
Directions from 1-75 - 275 East to 32 East. Go past the East Gate Mall - Walmart, Kohls, Meijer, fast food galore. Go 11 miles and get off on 1/2 Acre Road exit. Turn right. Go over rail road tracks to stop sign. Turn left at stop sign (don't go straight). Gas station and bait/tackle store on left. Go approx. 1/10th of a mile to reach park entrance. While in park, you will reach a sign that says horseman's area (straight) and campground (to the left). For day use - go straight. For overnight horse overnight camping, turn left at the camping sign. The check in station will direct you to the horseman's overnight camping area (1st area after the dump station on your right). Camping check in station: very friendly and dog lovers. Campground: Spartan and simple. There are 17 sites available with electric. No park fee, just a camping fee. Can reserve campsites via Ohio DNR website. One shower house with three showers and three toilets each - men and woman, heated and hot water for showers available. We chose site #13 - shaded for the horses; a.m. sun for the rig. The one water faucet for the horseman's campground is between Site 8 and Site 10. Site #15 - when it says slight slope, it means very slight. (more site details for each site are on the Ohio DNR website - select campsite number and it provides the size of the site, pad, a.m. or p.m. sunlight, etc.). Rig Parking: Asphalt pads. Trailers can only be backed in, cannot pull through the site. Tents: can go just about anywhere. Lots of room for tents. Water: only one faucet for the entire horseman's camp. Another potable water faucet is available at the dump station. Electric - available at each site (more details are noted in the Ohio DNR website). Horse picket: the area for the horses is behind your rig, so not so good for the worry-worts. The two poles for the horses were 6x6's. Dump station: two provided. Big enough for large rigs. Day use area: small to medium size parking lot (like 10 -15 rigs). There was an area off to the right that may be overflow for busy weekends (this area was very large and had 20+ 6x6's. Trails: No change from the older reviews. Ground is mostly heavy clay. Our visit was a spring time visit - some areas were very wet and deep (above the fetlock). No sharp stones on trails, just flat rock in areas (like streams). A part of one trail was asphalt. Trail markers - not many, bring your sense of direction and GPS. Unfortunately, we would review the trails, but we are not sure which ones we were on. We just rode and figured it out as we went along - saw blue spay paint, medium blue spray paint, yellow tape and yellow spray paint on trees (few and far between). Don't let this deter you - the trails are well used with great scenery and accesses to the lake. We found one trail that meandered along and in and out of a stream, went to the lake and up and down hill after hill. Passed by many wildlife ponds with wild water iris. Only had time for the trails South of the overnight area and West of the day use area. Saw many gaited horses >> possibly a great area for gaiters (there is a 32 mile trail). Also, there is a horse stable area, (offers lessons, stables, horse rentals), across the street from the horse overnight camping area. Park: saw lots of deer as we were coming into the park. The lake is beautiful and surrounded by the hills. Great place to take a swim after a hard day of riding. Will plan another trip there to explore the other trails and ride the 32 mile trail around the lake. |