Trail Rating:

Camp Rating:
I am cheating here, because we rode in this area in July '07 and this site won't let me use a date more than one year old, so ignore the "date of your ride". This is a great campground with level sites that are well spaced apart and has nice large corrals for the horses. They corrals can each hold 2 horses, if you have horses that get along well with each other. We tied a rope across the center of our corral to divide it, so one of our horses wouldn't kick the other, and they both had plenty of room after this. The gravel road to camp was a little rough in spots, but over-all was a fairly good road. When we were there in July '07, there was a lot of blowdown on the Williams Creek Trail from a recent storm, so we weren't able to make it very far on it. We did ride the Indian Creek Trail for quite a ways and found some very pretty scenery along this trail. The Cimarrona Trail is nice for the first few miles and had a natural rock bridge that you ride your horses through, which was fun. After that it opens up to a narrow hillside ledge with a lot of air, so is definitely not for the faint of heart. The couple that we were with didn't like riding on this ledge, so we didn't ride it all of the way. Finding a place to turn around on this section wasn't easy. There is a sewage dump beside the road a few miles from camp, so that made it very nice to be able to dump after we left Palisades. |