Trail Rating:

Camp Rating:
I live 2 miles from the staging area off Kellogg Rd. which is north of Crescent City.
There is another staging area off of Pala Rd. which is at the north end of the State Park.
Nice trails including gravel road, sandy trails, beach riding, more narrow trails around pond and through tall pines, also along the Smith River and over very tall sand dunes.
Wildlife include deer, have seen bald eagle and a bobcat, bear and mountain lion are reported to be in the area.
Toilet facility available at the Pala Rd. and mid trail in two places.
There is a campground within this Park with corrals. Not near vehicle parking.
Have to pack into it.
After it rains it is usually not too slick to ride here due to the sand base.
If you ride after a week of heavy rain like we get here during Winter you
will find pools of water on some trails. Still it is usually okay footing
if you are in the sandy area. Riding from one end of the park to the other
can take 2 to 4 hours depending on what trails you choose and how long you
want to stay riding, plus whether you walk mostly or gait often.
No overnight facility. Overnight can be arranged through Del Norte County
Other trails in the area at State Park locations.