Trail Rating:

Camp Rating:
I love riding at cutfootsioux and not finding discarded cans, wrappers and other debris along the trails, as I've seen in other places designated as multipurpose. I believe horseback riders are very responsible and they should be given credit for a huge part of keeping trails clean. My MAIN ISSUE (and others I know) is the cost for the DAY RIDERS. I have no problems at all with paying a usage fee however, I do not feel it should be equal to overnight campers. I ride at CFS with friends who camp overnight and we know of quite a few people who will not come because of the daily fee. If you multiply a "few" by all the riders that come in, it can be significant. If you don't want the DAY RIDERS taking up the premium camping spots, that's understandable, then designate a section where day riders can park. I can't recall if I've ever seen every spot taken! I would love to camp overnight but because of animals at home, it isn't possible at this time. I sure hope that by the time I'm able to do that, CFS is still open and not a victim of budget cuts. The times are tough, gas is high and if riders stop coming, the campground could very well close. Then what??? Well, my friends and I will ride at home however, not everyone is able to do that! When you DO consider the daily cost, I would at least think the trails would be marked well enough to keep riders from getting lost. Wouldn't you?? Since I first rode at CFS in 1999 or 2000, it is sad to say, the trail markings have not improved by much! For those who think my feedback seems harsh, I apologize, however, it is.......truthful!... and for the young people following behind us, I sure hope they still have a beautiful place to ride in ten or twenty years!! |