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Pearson Ranch - Southwest New Mexico

Near: Old Horse SpringsNM (Weather)
Number of
12 Total
60 Difficulty: Rigorous Trail
Trail Description Some trails are old logging roads which are clear. Others are game trails which are only wide enough for single file riding. However, they take riders onto ridges where they can see miles and miles. The Pearson ranch has trails from beginner to expert.
Best Time to Visit Spring/Summer
Times to Avoid
Campground Guest accomodations at the Ranch, or wilderness camping available.
Human Facilities: Horse Facilities: Operated by: Contact: Additional Information
Showers,Toilet, water,Potable water Stall,water,stream Marvin Cromwell
Marvin Cromwell
811 Fruta Road
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Directions Directions from Albuquerque: - Head south on I-25 to Socorro. - Exit into Socorro and take US Hwy 60 west towards Magdalena. - Go through Magdalena and proceed to Datil - At the town of Datil take State Hwy 12 (it will be on your left) towards Horse Springs. - At mile marker 48 on Hwy 12 turn north (it is the only way you can go.) - The # 48 mile marker is directly across the road at the point you turn. Directions from Phoenix - Head east out of Phoenix on US Hwy 60. - Stay on Hwy 60 until Datil. - At Datil take a right onto State Hwy 12 and proceed to mile marker 48. * There are more scenic routes. However, this is the fastest and easiest drive.
This information was provided by nmjudy on 11/29/2005 4:06:23 PM

Notes on Difficulty Rating:  
(Gently sloping or level terrain; trails are groomed or wide open; shallow or no creek crossings. ) 
 More Difficult (Moderate hills over consistent surface; possibly some narrow trails and short steeper slopes) 
 Rigorous (Easy to More Difficult for rider but physically challenging for horse such as on a level surface through deep sand) 
 Challenging (Possible rocky, uneven surface, steep slopes, uncleared trails, faster flowing streams and other obstacles that lead to more difficult riding for rider and horse)

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