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San Martin - SPAIN

Near: MadridES (Weather)
Number of
1 Total
120 Difficulty: More Difficult Trail
Not Rated Camp
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Trail Description Horse Trail Ride (Rutas y Caballos) is a Spanish company with international focus entirely dedicated to the development of environmental tourism. Our vocation is to organise treks and visits on horseback in a large scope of diverse natural environments, with one key objective: making the most of enjoying nature and wildlife while at the same time respecting it. We offer Horse trekking following the GR-10 route, the legendary trail that forms part of the European long distance path E-7 stretching from the Black Sea in Rumania to the Atlantic in Lisbon, Portugal. The GR-10 path is exceptionally attractive due to its natural environment and offers the best possibilities to those who are looking for authentic internal tourism. Our ambition is to offer you the best means to enjoy and learn about the nature, wildlife and cultural aspects surrounding you while experiencing great adventures on horseback. In one sole trek package we invite you to discover different environments and places of special interest: ride through protected natural reserves on horseback while discovering its wildlife, cross large forest trails, ancient roman roadways and bridges, visit historical monuments and get a taste of local tradition meeting those who live with social and cultural concepts strongly linked to their rich history. The paths and trails we shall follow are rarely visited by mankind: their inhabitants are essentially the flora and fauna. Our guides, experts in local resources, will inform you about the wildlife and the history surrounding the area. And why not expect to get a glimpse of native endangered or threatened animal species such as the Cinereous or European Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus), the Wildcat (Felis silvestris) and the Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca adalberti) who have found a suitable environment and above, all protection in these areas?
Best Time to Visit April, May, June, July, August, September, October
Times to Avoid Winter
Campground Hotel facilities during trails: double rooms with bathroom, hot water, TV
Human Facilities: Horse Facilities: Operated by: Contact: Additional Information
elect, shower, toilet, water water, day, stall Horse Trail Ride
C/ Carlos latorre 13
Madrid, ES 28013
Directions Compamy picks up customers at Madrid Airport
This information was provided by emma on 7/27/2003 2:02:32 PM

Notes on Difficulty Rating:  
(Gently sloping or level terrain; trails are groomed or wide open; shallow or no creek crossings. ) 
 More Difficult (Moderate hills over consistent surface; possibly some narrow trails and short steeper slopes) 
 Rigorous (Easy to More Difficult for rider but physically challenging for horse such as on a level surface through deep sand) 
 Challenging (Possible rocky, uneven surface, steep slopes, uncleared trails, faster flowing streams and other obstacles that lead to more difficult riding for rider and horse)

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