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Sandy Hollow WMA

Near: WilmerLA (Weather)
Number of
1 Total
20 Difficulty: Easy Trail
Trail Description Sandy Hollow is a hidden gem in the rural community of Wilmer, LA. The trails are maintained by the Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries. Most of the available trails are part of the field trial course, although there are several other trails winding through the area. Nearly all the trails are interconnected and loop back on themselves. A map is available on the LDWF website. The terrain is gently sloping through young pine forest. The area is very peaceful and scenic. Although rarely seen, there are coyotes and bobcats in the area. The trails are well-marked and maintained enough for night riding and the area is very beautiful under a full moon, but be wary of wildlife. The area is closed to equines during deer and turkey hunting seasons, though these fall during the winter and are not optimal times for trail riding anyway. Please call the LDWF for exact hunting season times. The LDWF does frequent controlled burns to maintain the pine forest, so be wary of these conditions. It is recommended to visit in the spring or fall, as summer in southeast LA is extreme. There are also frequently burn bans during the summer, which means no campfires, and they are strictly enforced. It rains frequently in this area during spring and fall, so come prepared, and trails can become deep with mud after prolonged rain, though it is actually quite enjoyable to ride in a light rain.
Best Time to Visit Spring or Fall; Summer, if don't mind extreme heat
Times to Avoid Trails closed to equines during hunting season
Campground There are pavilions at both the north and south areas with Port-O-Potties. The north site has a very large, level field that is perfect for tent camping or self-contained RVs. There are no water or electrical hookups and no dump facilities. The available horse facilities are quite nice. There is a well-built barn with 4 stalls and 2 tie areas, as well as a large water trough (an old bathtub, but hey, it works perfectly for the purpose) that is fed by a tap that can also be used by humans. In addition to being a great camping area, the large, level field provides excellent parking for horse trailers. There are two semi-permanent fire pits near the barn. Although the Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries maintains the trails, maintenance of the camping area is the responsibility of visitors. Please follow the scouts' motto and leave the area cleaner than you found it.
Human Facilities: Horse Facilities: Operated by: Contact: Additional Information
Primitive, Toilet, Pump Stall (free), Tie-up, Water Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
(225) 765-2360
Wildlife Division
P.O. Box. 98000
Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000
Sandy Hollow site
Directions This area comprised of 3,514 acres owned by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and 181 acres leased from the Tangipahoa Parish School Board, is located approximately 10 miles northeast of Amite, Louisiana in Tangipahoa Parish. The area is divided into two separate tracts near Wilmer, LA. The larger tract being north of LA Hwy. 10 and the smaller one south of Hwy. 10. Entrance to north tract is easiest from Verbene Rd. off Hwy. 1061. Entrance to south tract is by Jackson Rd. off Hwy. 10 and is marked by sign. If there are difficulties finding either entrance, stop into the local convenience store for directions. The locals will be happy to assist visitors and the Wilmer Quick Stop is a full service grill and grocery, as well as a gas station. WQS is located at the junction of Hwy. 10 and Hwy. 1061 and is very hard to miss.
This information was provided by WilmerWhinny on 3/4/2010 8:58:34 PM

Notes on Difficulty Rating:  
(Gently sloping or level terrain; trails are groomed or wide open; shallow or no creek crossings. ) 
 More Difficult (Moderate hills over consistent surface; possibly some narrow trails and short steeper slopes) 
 Rigorous (Easy to More Difficult for rider but physically challenging for horse such as on a level surface through deep sand) 
 Challenging (Possible rocky, uneven surface, steep slopes, uncleared trails, faster flowing streams and other obstacles that lead to more difficult riding for rider and horse)

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