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Silver Creek Community Park

Near: AlleganMI (Weather)
Number of
7 Total
100 Difficulty: Easy Trail
Trail Description Trails come in all levels. There is water, hills, logs to step over, sand. Pretty much a level for anyone here. Within the park there are 7 miles of marked trails then there is an additional 1200 acres of state land.
Best Time to Visit Almost anytime is great.
Times to Avoid Gun season
Campground Primarily a horsemans camp with 65 sites available to horses. Mostly all wooded riding. Camping is $10 (fee includes day use if camping) per night or day use is $2.00 per day.
Human Facilities: Horse Facilities: Operated by: Contact: Additional Information
Primitive, Hand Pumps, Vault toilets Day, Tie-up, stream Allegan County Parks & Recreation

113 Chestnut Street
Allegan, MI 49010
Directions I-196 to exit 49 (M-40) east (or SE) toward Hamilton, to east on 134th to 3900 134th. There is also an entrance off 38th, just go north off 134th.
This information was provided by MichiganHorseLovers on 3/4/2003 8:28:49 PM

Notes on Difficulty Rating:  
(Gently sloping or level terrain; trails are groomed or wide open; shallow or no creek crossings. ) 
 More Difficult (Moderate hills over consistent surface; possibly some narrow trails and short steeper slopes) 
 Rigorous (Easy to More Difficult for rider but physically challenging for horse such as on a level surface through deep sand) 
 Challenging (Possible rocky, uneven surface, steep slopes, uncleared trails, faster flowing streams and other obstacles that lead to more difficult riding for rider and horse)

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