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Cedar mountain horsecamp

Near: Brevardzz (Weather)
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0 Difficulty: Trail
Not Rated Camp
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Trail Description Trails are at dupont state park about 10 minute drive from campround,most scenic trails i have rode, beautiful waterfalls, nice wide trails, trails nicley marked.
Best Time to Visit Spring, summet, fall
Times to Avoid
Campground Clean, shady, cabin rentals and hookups for horse trailers nice pasture rental large corrals big enough to put 2 horses that get along well together nice community building clean bath house, freindly owners definatley will return.
Human Facilities: Horse Facilities: Operated by: Contact: Additional Information
Electic hook ups, bathhouse, cabin rental Water, corrals and pasture rental Chris achelpohl
803 703 9960
1649 solomon jones rd
Cedar mountain, zz
This information was provided by Wendy emory on 10/19/2016 7:25:02 AM

Notes on Difficulty Rating:  
(Gently sloping or level terrain; trails are groomed or wide open; shallow or no creek crossings. ) 
 More Difficult (Moderate hills over consistent surface; possibly some narrow trails and short steeper slopes) 
 Rigorous (Easy to More Difficult for rider but physically challenging for horse such as on a level surface through deep sand) 
 Challenging (Possible rocky, uneven surface, steep slopes, uncleared trails, faster flowing streams and other obstacles that lead to more difficult riding for rider and horse)

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