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Big South Fork - Honey Creek Horse Camp Inc.
Near: AllardtTN (Weather)
Number of
100 Total
200 Difficulty: Trail
Trail Description Leave from camp and travel the 100s of miles available in the Big South Fork. Enjoy woods, creeks, mountains and fields all in one days ride. Skill levels vary depending on trail.
Best Time to Visit Spring and Fall for the colors and temps
Times to Avoid
Campground We have 40-30amp sites with water and 2-50amp sites mostly wooded with electricity and water, a central dump station, comfortable bath house and 40 stalls available. 3 trail heads directly from camp. Check out our website, Find us on FB: Honeycreek Horsecamp! Our email is We Hope to see y'all soon!
Human Facilities: Horse Facilities: Operated by: Contact: Additional Information
elect, shower, toilet, water stall, tie-up, water Honey Creek Horse Camp Inc.
CB or Bridget
400 Double Arch Trail
Allardt, TN 38504
Directions Contact for directions! Please Don't follow GPS especially from the East!
This information was provided by bridgetbagshaw on 9/23/2014 4:18:00 PM

Notes on Difficulty Rating:  
(Gently sloping or level terrain; trails are groomed or wide open; shallow or no creek crossings. ) 
 More Difficult (Moderate hills over consistent surface; possibly some narrow trails and short steeper slopes) 
 Rigorous (Easy to More Difficult for rider but physically challenging for horse such as on a level surface through deep sand) 
 Challenging (Possible rocky, uneven surface, steep slopes, uncleared trails, faster flowing streams and other obstacles that lead to more difficult riding for rider and horse)

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